I'm so tired! I don't know how working moms do it!! I'm beat to Hell, and it's only Wednesday. This working crap is for the freakin' birds. I thought being a stay at home mom was tough, but being a working mom is way worse!! It sucks big fat donkey penises. And, dealing with other people's children, sucks too!!
This was my busy schedule yesterday:
7:45-8:15 Take Jude to the Bus stop for school
8:30-12:00 Summer School Preschool Class
12:45-2:45 Private Lesson
3:30-5:00 Pick up Jude from the bus stop; I took Jude to the park
6:15-8:30 PM Going away party for a friend at Job #1
I never sat down yesterday, and now my fat flat feet are killing me. All I want to do is curl up in bed with Husband and snuggle...or do what most married do in bed.....SLEEP!! (Hee-Hee)
Today should be less hectic. I don't teach summer school today (Thank God), but I do have to teach my adult class in Ome. But, I like them...I don't have wipe their ass when they poop. And, I don't have to feed them their lunch, either. Praise Jesus for that!
Just anther day in Weenie's World!
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