Wednesday, June 11, 2008

No more stirrups!

Ha! I just got a call from my doctor. My well woman exam results are back....I'm normal! Well, I'm not really normal--in fact, I don't think I'll ever be normal... but my test results came back normal. That means that I don't have any cancerous growths in my hoo-ha-ha, nor do I have any venereal diseases, which is good to hear considering I've been boinking the same man for the last 7 years of my life. And, I was told that I don't have to go back for 3 years!! How awesome is that!! I don't have to have a stranger look up my kooter for 3 whole years!! YAHOOOOO! I hate those Damn stirrups and the giant bristled brush they stick up your hoo-ha-ha. It's torturous! So, at least now I don't have do endure it again for 3 years. YEAHHHHH!

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