Thursday, April 2, 2009

Flash Card Fun

So, YaYa sent us a pack of flash cards in the mail several weeks ago. They are flash cards of the 50 states. They are jumbo sized with fun facts and great pictures. They have a little blurb about each state, including state flag, state bird, motto, etc. They are rated for kids 6 and up.

Since they are way too advanced for my kiddo, I just gave him the cards so he could look at the pictures. (Remember, he's only 4 and can't read, yet. But, we're working on it.) So, the kid often dumps them out and looks at them asking me various questions about this state or that state. I answer his questions and read him the information written on the cards. He usually goes through a few and moves on to something more interesting, like attacking me with Spiderman or running for his life from a crazed T-Rex.

So, this morning while I was checking my e-mail, he came up to me and showed me several cards naming them correctly. He made it through California, Arizona, Texas, New York, Hawaii, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Illinois, Florida, Oregon, Washington and a few others. He even remembered a few state birds and a few landmarks. I was quite impressed.

Then, I decided to see if he knew a few country flags. We had talked about them several weeks ago. So, I went on the computer and showed him various country flags. To my surprise, the kid knew the following flags: Japan, USA, Korea, France, Italy, Germany, Mexico, and a few others. Holy shit! The kid is smarter than me, and he's only 4 years old. This sucks!

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