Thursday, June 25, 2009

Pilah the Wonder Dog Update

Pilah the Wonder Dog is doing great. He lives with YaYa and PoPo in Rockport, Texas. He seems happy, content, and part of the pack. (YaYa and PoPo have a total of 5 dogs: Pilah, Luna, Teddy Bear, Isis (my sister's dog), and Suzy (my sister's other dog). He loves the outdoors and loves to hang out on PoPo's boat. As you can see, he's as happy as a clam! Just look at the smile on his face!
Pilah, the captain of the boat! Now he's a water dog!
Move over Captain Morgan, it's Captain Pilah to the rescue!
"Will someone please rub my belly?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pilah looks great and it sounds like he is having a good time over there. Did he recognize you? Bobo misses his buddy :-(

Czech Girl