When I log onto my computer, I want to read something entertaining. Something I can relate to. Something I can giggle at. Something I will freaking enjoy! Okay?! I know a blog is often like an on-line journal, but at least make your shit entertaining. Come on people, I know you can do it! I have faith in you! Lie if you have to! Please, for the love of God, write something worth reading. Geeze!
All you bloggers out there that I'm offending, please read your own blog before you publish it. If you think it's boring, mundane, or useless, your readers will think the same effing thing. So, please spare us!
Look, my time is important. I don't want to waste it reading another shitty blog!
I know, I'm one mean bitch. Deal with it!
(Sorry for that, I think I'm premenstrual!)
(Bring on the hate mail, Mother Freakers!)
Holy Shit !! I love it .... there's going to be 5000 bloggers on your ass ..... he he he he he
Big D
Bring it on! I can handle it! I'm just tired of wasting my time reading useless shit that other people write. I just want people to consider their readers when they blog. Think about how we feel when we read boring, useless shit that wastes our time. I feel cheated after reading something boring. I feel like I wasted my precious time. I hate that feeling. People should write about things that are INTERSTING! Am I wrong here?!
Like your cooter ?
Big D
Sure! At least cooter stories are entertaining!
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