I just don't understand some people. They allow things to get under their skin, and they never deal with them. They sweep things under the rug to let them build and build and build and build and BUILD! I'm not like that, duh! I can't be. If someone has wronged me, I let them know and try to right the situation. I prefer to discuss it, scream it, throw things about it, learn from it, and, finally, move on. I'm not saying my mode of operation is the best way or the right way, but at least things are dealt with and learned from. Then, things from under the rug can be swept away.
I just wish some people wouldn't let things continue to fester, year after year, after year, after YEAR! It's not good and not healthy. I believe people should be able to communicate to each other. No matter what.
In this day and age with e-mail, FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, blogs, websites, cell phones, and BlackBerry, it amazes me how there still seems to be a lack of communication. How is this possible?
Even with modern technology, communicating with certain people is still impossible. I just don't get it.
Hum, sounds like a "certain" person was letting it fester. Did s/he pop? Care to out them?
Nope, I won't tell you who it is. The secret is safe with me! Some things should remain private, ya know! Like my private parts!
Like THOSE have ever been private !!!
Big D
Okay, okay, that's a bad example!
I don't understand how people can do that too. UGH...
Do what??!! Show their private parts? Look, I don't do it on purpose. It just happens. I didn't mean to flash the old farmer in Oklahoma. I just happened to be changing out of my runnng clothes when the old guy came by on the tractor. I didn't flash him on purpose! Forgive me, please!
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