So, I told Jude to pick out his night-night books while I took off my contact lenses. I returned to Jude's room in jammies and glasses. Jude took one look at me and yelled, "I don't like it when you wear glasses...I want daddy!" Thanks kid I thought to myself. I told Husband what Jude had said, and he offered to read to him instead. Inside my mind I laughed like a mad scientist...now I was able to get my fix...my Bella and Edward Cullen fix. I felt like a drug addict waiting for my next hit. And, there it was right in front of me.
I ran to my bedroom, turned down the bed covers and hopped onto my bed with the book in hand. Instantly I felt a warm rush of blood as I read the simple words on the page.
Oh please..... just tell us diarrhea stories instead....
Big D
Okay, now you know I'm not perfect...so, I like teeny bopper books about vampires and werewolves. Everyone has to have a vice, right??
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