Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The dread-mill

So, I went to the gym and ran on the dread-mill. I felt like the poor hamster pictured here. It sucked, but at least I ran!

I was hoping to find my running mojo at the gym. Unfortunately, it wasn't there. But I've got to keep looking for it! Tokyo Marathon 2010 is only 6 months away!


Anonymous said...

I ran today too (outside with the jogging stroller). Totally sucked. Actually I walked/jogged to be more exact. Finally gave up and did like 100 walking lunges to make myself feel better. Come on fall!

Weenie said...

I feel your pain! In my book, heat + humidy= lazy ass! I'd rather sit on the couch eating ice cream and watching Sponge Bob Squarepants!

Anonymous said...

It's 80 degrees here and 66% humidity at 5 am. You can run now, or wait till this evening when it's 102.
I'd rather be sitting eating Rocky Road, but I run mornings and evenings.
Come on girls, I'm 54 years old and I can do it.
Get yer lazy asses moving !!

Big D