Monday, October 4, 2010

Week #2 of Tokyo Marathon training complete...barely

****Caution: F Bombs below!***********

Well, I ran 3 miles Tuesday, 4 miles Wednesday, 3 miles on Thursday and 5-ish miles on Saturday.
Saturday's run was a mess.  Since Husband is STILL away, I got a babysitter to watch Jude, so I could run long on Saturday.  I hate waking my kid up at 5:30 AM on a Saturday.  And, the babysitter promised to be at my apartment at 5:45 AM, so I could meet my running buds at 6 AM.

Well, the sitter never showed.  I called her multiple times. I called her parents, and I even banged on her door (she lives on the 9th floor of my building), but she never made a peep.  I figured she was dead or not home.  So, at 6 AM, I got Jude up, made him pee, put some clothes over his pjs and met my running buddies who patiently waited for me.  I loaded him up in the baby jogger and proceeded to push the 70 pound rig and kid 6 miles.  Well, let's just say it sucked big, fat, donkey balls! And, on our route, there was construction.  The construction workers laid a gravel road for foot traffic; however, my baby jogger is not equip for gravel roads.  Needless to say, Jude got nauseated and almost threw up everywhere.  I was so incredibly pissed!  Jude was so "car" sick that he ended up missing his karate lesson.

So, I was pissed off at the world because:
(1) Husband should be at home and not a world away!  He should be the one to take care of his child when I need him to.
(2) It seems I can't rely on anyone for anything!
(3) It's my goal to run another marathon, but other people seem to be sabotaging my goal!
(4) My poor, sweet kid was woken up at 6 AM on a Saturday, by me, to only become nauseated and sick.

Maybe the Gods are trying to tell me to give up my goal.  Maybe I'm being unreasonable.  Maybe having my own personal goal is just stupid.  Maybe I should give up all my fucking goals because they sure as hell don't seem achievable when no one else is willing to help.

All of this just seems like a waste of my fucking time!


Sectre Hafit said...

OH No! You must not give up! In the end, it will be the obstacles that will give meaning to your goal.

Weenie said...

Wow! Thanks Yoda! Just kidding!

You are right, though! The more obstacles I have to overcome, the sweeter it will be when I cross the finish line!

Anyone can do things when they are easy, but only the strong prevail when things get tough!

I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

Thanks for your support! You rock!

Anonymous said...

Bad days are just that .... bad DAYS. Marathons take weeks and months of training.
You'll do fine. Just chalk it up to ONE bad day.

Med sized D