Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Light Speed

Jude will be 5 years old on the 21st, and I can't believe it. The last 5 years have flown by.

There have been so many wonderful memories created over the past 5 years. I can remember the day Jude popped out of my kooter and peed on me when I held him in my arms for the first time. I can remember the day he took his first steps at BJ's house, chasing after her crazy cat Tiger. I can remember his first boat ride on PoPo's boat in Rockport, Texas. I remember the day we packed up our house to move to Japan and how Jude couldn't talk for almost 3 days, because he was so upset his world had been turned upside down. I can remember it all like it was yesterday.

I can remember all the sleepless nights where I prayed and pleaded with God to let Jude sleep for more than 2 hours at a time. I remember all the sweet snuggles and animal noises he used to make. I remember how he used to mispronounce words and make them his own. I remember how he looked at the world with fascination in his eyes.

So much has been accomplished in the last 5 years. I can't wait to see what the next five years brings.


Anonymous said...

He's a pisser, all right !!

I miss him a lot.....

Med. sized D

Anonymous said...

Po-Po and I really miss him so very much!!! I remember the countless times we used to go to Wichita Falls to see him,thinking, Leo & Christina are going to tell us not to come so often!-- How he would hold up his arms for us to pick him up everytime he saw us-How we used to have our slumber parties!--How he loved to go to Lubby's--How he wanted to be the navigator when we went on a 2 week trip to see his aunt Pat in Wisconsin.--He would hold the map(upside down) and say, "Here" Po-Po, go here! Then point out the window with his hand and "Say, go right Po-Po!!!!---(but would be pointing to the left!)--"Go right Po-Po!!!!" with a great big smile on his face.---How he recognized all the "Food Signs" on the Freeway and say, "Subway, Po-Po, Subway, eat fresh, Po-Po!! Or McDonald's, Po-Po!! As if he wanted to stop an eat at each and every place!!---How he loved his books and everybody to read to him.-How he really loved his Thomas Trains- The times he came to Rockport and climed up the stairs calling,"Ya-Ya, Ya-Ya, I'm down here!!(He was up stairs but couldn't tell the difference between "up" and "down")So many memories we've shared and loved every minute!! God grant us many, many more!

Ya-Ya & Po-Po