The skies are dark and gloomy here. (It reminds me of Seattle, Washington.) Everything is covered in green moss. And it's a lovely shade of green and gray here. But I'm tired of green and gray! I want to see blue skies with white puffy clouds. I want to lay on my back, in the DRY grass, and try to find animal shapes hidden in the white puffy clouds with Jude. I want to feel the sun's penetrating heat on my skin. I want to have to apply sunblock. I want my olive colored skin to turn tan. I want the sun back!
I'm tired of the darkness. It's depressing, dreary, and miserable.
It's July, I shouldn't have to sip tea to stay warm.
I'm a Texan. I need the sun. I need the heat. I need blue skies. But instead, this is what I get:
We just ended 2 weeks of plus 100 degree temps here .... send us some gloom please...
Big Texan D
Send me some sun, and I'll do a rain dance for you!
We are still having 98 degree and above temp here at Po-Po fishing camp!!! It's been going on for over a month. No rain, just dry, hot, hot weather! Send us some rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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