The Hilton Hawaiian Village Beach Resort and Spa
This is where we will be going next weekend! I'm so excited. I'm as giddy as a school girl! This is Husband's official birthday present. I've been saving up my money for something special, and, well, this is it.
As you know, I teach English for a living. Recently, I've been substitute teaching for a friend and making extra Yen. So, now I can take Husband to one of his favorite places on earth...Hawaii! Luckily, I was able to get a great deal on Travelocity.com. So, staying at the Hilton on Waikiki beach won't cost us an arm and a leg. I love last minute vacation deals!
So, if you'll be in Hawaii next weekend, let me know. Maybe we could meet up! Or, if you would like to join us, check out Travelocity's great deals!
Man, if it wasn't for Po-Po's messed up knee, we would be meeting you there! Well, guess you guys deserve some time alone!!
Have fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wish I could ..... Lucky dogs !!
Big D
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