So, last night we had a slumber party at Running Babe's house. Since Husband is away on business, we thought it would be fun to have a sleep over. So, it was me, Running Babe, Bean (her son), Jude, another friend's kid and a dog named Ethan. Running Babe's neighbors went to Yokohama for the weekend and needed someone to take care of their dog. Running Babe agreed to watch the dog because he's mild mannered and very cute. He's a Jack Russell and Chihuahua mix.
So, last night after a movie, we finally fell asleep. Jude and I slept with Running Babe in her bed. Ethan, the dog, slept in the living room. But, at some point during the night, Ethan got a hold of some feminine hygiene products...tampons to be exact. And, when we woke up this morning, there was an unused, chewed up tampon scattered around on the living room floor. It was too funny. Running Babe was a bit embarrassed over the situation, but it was funny as Hell! We couldn't stop laughing. Then, later in the morning, Ethan starting coughing. Instead of hocking up a fur ball, he hocked up a cotton ball. Hee-hee!
Just another day in Weenie's World!
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